It was always a good thing that Kreator never became part of the thrash 'big four' - Slayer, Anthrax, Megadeth and Metallica, who, for me, have all become rather embarrassing bands as opposed to the far cooler set of bands who just loitered in the shadows but forever produced high quality metal in the thrash zone, these bands being Kreator, Celtic Frost, Voivod, Coroner et al. 'Extreme..' was certainly a step away from the early outing's, image wise anyway, but the sound is as caustic and nihilistic as ever, Petrozza's vocals bordering on black metal extremity, the riffs a furious buzz and the drums speeding by with grey velocity. Another vastly underrated band, yet with a huge cult following, Kreator have always remained consistent even as they polished their sound up for later efforts, but metal always rewards those who stick to their guns, even if the struggle is far greater than those who became more commercial sounding. 'Love Us Or Hate Us' is a violent thrash anthem, early Slayer hidden somewhere in the riffage, the complexities of 'Some Pain Will Last' a brutal reminder of the abilities and staying power of one of Europe's greatest extreme metal acts. The cover alone a statement of the band as modest in their image, yet so brutal in their profession.
7.5 for a classic like this? maybe not the most classic of the Kreator records, still the one who has some of the most standout Kreator songs. Well opinions are like... Definitely a Classic in my book.
Fair point Droid Sektor, but I prefer the earlier, more primitive noise of Kreator, but still think 'Extreme...' is a cracking record.
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