Friday 11 July 2008

Incubus - Beyond The Unknown (1988)

US death/thrash that hooked me with the cover. Musically it's a thrashier Obituary during a time when death metal was making inroads and everything was being produced in Florida. Technically, some excellent music on offer here, no real thrills as such but it's a shame the band dissipated afterwards because 'Beyond...' is as good as most that emerged during the time, but I guess such an effort got drowned in the sea of familiar bands, as Nocturnus, Monstrosity, Obituary, Death, Morbid Angel, etc, etc, hit the scene. 'Beyond...' explores more of a death metal territory than the 'Serpent Temptation' debut, allowing its speed and gruff vocal delivery to take over the helm so if you're looking for quality, technical and well polished death metal then you could do worse then check out Incubus...shame that they share their name with a terrible nu-metal act.


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