Wednesday 29 October 2008

Prong - Primitive Origins (1987)

These guys have been in the game for many years, plugging away at their gloomy soundscapes, but when 'Primitive...' emerged back in the '80s, Prong were far noisier, far more hardcore and certainly punkier. Criminally underrated, the trio have belted out no thrills heavy metal for aeon's, inspiring many with their face smashing slabs, 'Primitive...' remains the bands most chaotic work, all twenty minutes of it. Indeed, despite this record's cacophony, they must've been doing something right as they were partly tamed by EMI Records in '89, the band slowing rather drastically but still hitting the notes with later quality such as 'Beg To Differ'. Although numerous line-up changes would follow, 'Primitive...' remains the bands most harsh work.


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