Sunday 1 March 2009

Warfare - Mayhem Fucking Mayhem (1986)

This is more lie it! Thunderous, black 'n' roll from this vile chimera of Venom, Motorhead, Celtic Frost and any other nasty punkoid frenzy you can think of. For me, this is traditional black metal, catchy, angry, and played for real. Riding high on the back of Sodom with its dank and rusty assault, this is one hell of a cult act who at the time would've no doubt alienated music critics, but years later this kind of sound, courtesy of Neat Records, sounds surprisingly fresh in its hideous form, even the cover of The Kinks 'You Really Got Me' is a messy triumph! However, it's the cursed chug of 'Projectile Vomit' that stains the skin, and 'Atomic Slut' stomps in like some garage Venom. Warfare took no prisoners, and it's this kind of filth and fury that created black metal, not a bunch of kids in corpsepaint. Just ask Fenriz...


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