Tuesday 9 June 2009

Exciter - Thrash Speed Burn (2008)

No real mystery here...Exciter still prove, that many years after the arrival of the '80s thrash scene, they can still mosh, thrash and burn with the best. Who needs new bands trying to re-create a sound that's never gone away, ands the originals are ALWAYS the best. Incredibly underrated, yet supreme in the thrash field, Exciter should have been in the major league for all of their existence, and this album proves why. Face-melting thrash akin to Exodus, Overkill, especially with new throat Kenny Winter at the helm, yet with a sharper edge than those mentioned. 'Betrayal' is by far my favourite rumble in the jungle, some superb guitars and drums on this. The album hurtles past as a blistering pace, but it's the kind of thrash to get yer teeth into, so, succumb to the rage, let your hair down and thrash...speed..then burn.


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