Monday 10 December 2012

TKO - In Your Face (1984)

For those if you fortunate enough to have got your grubby hands of the debut album by War babies, would also be interested in this rampant opus from the murky '80s. TKO were fronted by the golden throated Brad Sinsel who made War Babies that extra bit tougher. 'In Your Face' lives up to its title, a ten track mini masterpiece of raging guitars and gravelled vocals. TKO are about as metal as it gets without having to rattle on about warriors, fire and dragons. This oozes attitude, from the burning riffs of 'End Of The Line' with its thrashy edge, to the hard-edged groove of 'All I Want To Do' this is mighty, meaty metal, Sinsel boasting some of metal's most epuic pipes. If you're not shaken by the pummelling chug of 'Give Into The Night' then you're clearly dead. 'In Your Face' is a monster of a record that should have set the '80s on fire. 'In Your Face' is the ugly sister of Crue's leathery debut 'Too Fast For Love' so just go and buy it. 8/10

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