Wednesday 6 February 2013

Attack - Destinies Of War (1989)

Striking Euro power metal from the late '90s, the sort of record that, like Chastain's 'Mystery Of illusion' will have you reaching for the magic potions. Imagine a more oaken Helloween and you might have some idea where Attack are at, this is stormy metal with clear, cold steel vocals and some truly joyous melodies and choruses particularly on the album opener 'Wonderland' which is a fast-paced affair featuring great vocals courtesy of Ricky Van Helden who also plays bass. I guess that by the late '80s this kind of metal was heading for the bowels of extinction but one can't fail to be shaken by the Maidenesque triumph of 'Back To Attack' or the medieval chug and twiddle of 'You're Not Free,' epic in every aspect. Unravel the scroll, read the ancient scriptures and then head off on your quest to slay the evil sorcerer.... 8.5/10

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