Tuesday 19 March 2013

Virgin Steele - s/t (1982)

Laughably epic from its fantastic artwork to that unbelievable entrance to 'Minuet in G Minor' which leads us to the full on metal madness of 'Danger Zone,' this Virgin Steele making their entrance to the world, wings aflame, swords held high, and chariots burning. Has there ever been a more epic metal band? Probably not, but this isn't just about bombastic barbarianism, this is full on heavy metal magic, carved from deep within the depths of time where not many dare to tread. David De Feis is ringmaster extraordinairre, conducting this psycho circus with a mere wail from those expanding vocal pipes, evoking images of lost lands and frothing seas and great creatures of all kinds. Behind him sits the axe-wielding Jack Star who has probably slain many a serpent with that guitar, and the warlord drums of Joey Ayvazian just add extra booming thunder. Take your pick of any of the ten tracks on offer and you'll still stand agog at this metal feast, whether it be the Gothic gallop of 'Children of the Storm,' or the drum lead 'Pictures of You' (although this track is slightly out of place amidst the mossy masterpieces) with its wonderfully executed solo, it doesn't matter - Virgin Steele are Virgin Steele - a muscular behemoth of a band who eat trolls for breakfast, and dragons for lunch. 8/10

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