Friday 19 April 2013

Black Tears - Child of the Storm (1984)

Pretty unremarkable metal, I'm guessing from Germany - I could be wrong, but it has my vote for one of the dodgiest album covers of all time. Anyway, as I said this is very much cheapo no-thrills metal, Uwe Kohler's vocals are often out of tune and the music is so darn bland that I'd be hoping to pick this sort of record up in a second hand store, because if I purchased it for more than a fiver I'd feel hard done by. But it's not all bad, in fact there's an air of the obscure about it, the best track probably being the thuggish chant of 'Crown of the Damned' and the almost sleazoid groove of the opener 'Black Tears.' Mind you, after a few spins you'd have no doubt heard so much of this stuff before. Oh, and that cover...yuk!

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