Monday 13 May 2013

Black Lace - Get It While It's Hot (1985)

Pretty standard although somewhat endearing heavy metal featuring the gnarly vocals of Maryann Scandiffio. It's certainly better than a lot of female-fronted metal, but what makes this band so meaty is the dense guitar sound of  Carlo Fragnito who turns seemingly formulaic rockers such as 'I Like To Rock' into rather sturdy numbers. I have to admit to preferring the bands 'Unlaced' platter, but there are some decent moments on 'Get It...' such as the middle of the road plodder that is the title track although Anthony Fragnito's vocals leave a lot to be desired. 'Speed of Sound' is another of the albums positives, again fuelled by the cool guitar sound, just make sure you don't confuse these meta-heads with the party duo of the same name!!

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