Monday 15 July 2013

Graf Spee - Reincarnation (1989)

This is some seriously rough death thrash with layers of crust on top. Graf Spee are a Uruguayan band who never got past their first album, although a split and a demo did follow. The band are aptly named after a German warship and the sound of the band does sound something akin to an old, rusty ship hitting the rocks. This is really black sounding metal, particularly those hoarse vocal sneers courtesy of Victor Rueda, whilst the guitars have all the subtlety of chewing lumps of tin and glass, whilst the drums sound as if they recorded in a sewer that separated the band from the studio. Fans of Venom, Warfare, and also stuff like Darkthrone will certainly find much to savour with raw tracks such as 'Freedom' with its truly horrifying introductory screams and buzzing blazing guitar. Nasty stuff. The band do have the ability to resort to sludge, take for instance the epic silt of 'Patala Loca' with its cereal-box drumming and rough riff. I actually can't get enough of this but it leaves an awful lot of grime under the nails.

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