Tuesday 8 April 2014

TNT - Tell No Tales (1987)

As far as melodic yet shredding metal goes, TNT are right up there with the best. A fantastic band who released a clutch of albums yet should've been bigger if they hadn't had such lovely hair!! Despite the bubblegum pomp that immediately meets and greets your ears, beneath the fuzz and hairspray there is an incredibly talented metal band who somehow made it through the '90s and were still active up until recently. These Norwegians were masters of their trade, especially guitarist Ronni Le Tekrø who was a mighty axeman and whose sharp licks walked hand in hand with Tony Harnell's high-pitched yet effortless wails of joy. 'Tell No Tales' was such a joyous record to behold combining strong wafts of melody to the point of pop-edged kookiness ('Listen to your Heart') but when the band got serious (the title track) they nailed it. The quartet could certainly right a hit too, '10,000 Lovers In One' a prime example of this type of happy-go-lucky yet astute metal. These guys formed back in 1982 - 'Tell...' being their third full-length release and one that should be in your collection.

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