Friday 19 September 2014

Atom God - History Re-Written (1992)

Hard to believe this festering slab of speed metal-meets-NWOBHM emerged just as grunge was taking over. But look past the dreadful cover art and you'll find a flailing, flaming mini-masterpiece built upon a foundation of blazing, hurtling guitars and rampant drums. The only real issue here is the production which means that the vocals are pretty much lost to mankind as they lamely flitter between the searing hot riffs and frothing percussion. Trev Toms (who sadly passed away in 2010) deserved to have his voice heard because with a decent producer this could well have been one of metal's finest offerings within the vintage realm. Eight seething tracks, climaxing with the epic 'Death Will Come...' and this is one of those creaky albums you must own but it might be worth ignoring the debut album which emerged at the tail end of the '80s.

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