Friday 2 January 2015

Backwater - Revelation (1984)

Released on Disaster records; this is probably one of the most sincere satanic Venom-clones you are likely to hear - Backwater being some drunken fusion of Motorhead, Bathory, Warfare, Venom and Bulldozer chewed up by some oily incinerator and spat out via black plumes of smoke. There's a strong sense of Britishness about this vile German clanking of chains - it's a part speed metal part punked up mess of greasy vocal sneers; hellbent-for-leather drums and general all round metallic blackness puked out through such unholy orders as 'Dirty Pigs' and the brief yet destructive rust rant of 'Too Much Alcohol'. It's not pretty and it's certainly not clever but this rust-bucket of a record will have you hailing Satan and chomping on beer cans before the foggy night is through...(1986's 'Final Strike' being as equally sordid).

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