Friday 8 November 2013

Angel Witch - Frontal Assault (1986)

1986 was a great year for heavy metal and the third opus from Brit metallers Angel Witch is right up there with some of the best. These guys have played a pivotal part in the growth of heavy metal despite never getting the recognition they deserved but one thing you can guarantee with the bands early records is that they are going to be hard rockin' efforts full of majesty and fantasy, and 'Frontal Assault' especially with its U.S. edition of the cover (as pictured) is just perfect for a night in by the black candles. There's an earthy feel to this nine track affair - the vocals of Dave Tattum are pure an fiery whilst the guitars of Kevin Heybourne are bang on the money. It's classic rock with stormy riffs ('Dreamworld') and epic atmosphere. Very much of its time 'Frontal Assault' is at times stuffy but always has meaning, especially when experienced for the first time. One can't argue with the galloping title track or the slow moving 'Straight From Hell.' A decent addition to any heavy metal fans' collection.

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