Thursday 14 November 2013

Dementia - Recuperate From Reality (1991)

Clearly emerging when it was a tad too late, Chicago's Dementia still had time to introduce us to their slab of thrash metal. Certainly nothing new to the scene, this is the type of record you listen back many decades later and realise it's far better now than when you originally heard it. Sadly, the record is let down by the tuneless vocals but musically it's very much of the classic thrash vein, aping the likes of Metallica - Mike Walz often attempts a James Hetfield type of growl, and the riffs are pretty generic but like all '80s styled thrash there is something rather charming about this, but in 1991 this would have sounded extremely dated. The other main issue for these guys being that there are about another twenty or so bands from around the world with the same moniker - woeful album artwork to match, but tracks such as 'Insane' despite their Metallica obsession are still very much of the thrash blend we all know and love.

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