Sunday 12 August 2007

Kingdom Come - In Your Face (1989)

The debut album was Led Zeppelin all over...and this is no different, it's European cock-rock that lacks originality, attempts at a swagger, and is big on the bluesy riffs, and in fact it's actually quite good at times, 'Do You Like It', is a full-on body-mover, although crooner Lenny Wolf can't stop the Robert Plant imitation, down to the leather strides, but it's not just a sickening copycat, but instead good time rock 'n' roll record, even if there are a few riffs on there stolen from the Zep's back catalogue.
I only heard this record and most of the self-titled debut, but at the time accusations, allegedly even from Robert Plant, were flying furiously at Kingdom Come for their plagiarism, but when looking back, you'll find it's not that unusual for so many bands to imitate their heroes, and I've never been one to moan about such fakery as long as what's on offer is decent to the ears, and this is.


1 comment:

Parris said...

It's a few years too late (as I see you posted the comment back in 2007 - so, sorry for the zombie posting), but I bought that album back when it was released and fell immediately in love with it. I was also a huge Zep fan and although I did think "Hmm, there's more than a smattering of Plant & Page here", it stood out and what's more it's stood the test of time. Whilst some rock bands of the late 80s now sound like a stroll in the park, Kingdom Come's debut album kicks ass! I highly recommend it and ffs, if you are put off by the fact they might sound a bit like Led Zep, then explain to me why Airbourne are so popular as THEY ARE AC/DC all over!