Thursday 31 January 2008

Impetigo - Horror Of the Zombies (1991)

This is real basement gore metal. Back in the day bands such Impetigo and Necrophagia were churning out this kind of gurgling terror, complete with tales of serial killers, gut-munching zombies, salivating cannibals and maniacal butchery. It's all here, horror film samples, grinding guitars, often very heavy and thankfully mid-tempo and sludgy instead of too fast, and vocally it's pure sludge and festering phlegm. Adorned in Chas Balun artwork on the 2000 reissue, this sits nicelty alongside the watery gloom of Autopsy and medical carnage of Carcass. Some would say this type of old school death metal is cheesy, but alot of the horror-related stuff always was in a sense but just like the old '70s splatter movies, this has a guttural appeal that goes beyond the festering lyrics and downtuned, disembowelling grooves, so indulge yourself on the fetid pleasures of 'Boneyard' and spit blood at the drowning 'I Work For The Streetcleaner', and of course, wallow in the sickly mess of 'Cannibal Lust'.
Hail the gore metal scene!

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