Friday 25 January 2008

Kik Tracee - Field Trip (1992)

Tragically, this EP was to be the last offering from this short-lived outfit, but for what it's worth, Kik Tracee made a wonderful noise, a swaggering, pompous glammed up cauldron of serious yet good time rock that was just too good to exist, and so, the dodgy bands such as Poison et al, charged on, leaving this creative bunch to welter in their own unfulfilled ego's. Shame.

'Field Trip' is a jangly, Beatle-esque and breezy half-hour nip to groove rock, blessed by Shareaux's velvet tones, some cool summery riffs and mighty anthems in-between, somewhere caressing Zeppelin's bluesy jig and such promising metal edge, but where did it all go wrong ? Who knows, just savour the band and their two-record career, at one relaxing, thought provoking and potent, and please try to track the albums down, probably residing in some bargain bin on the internet, pick them up and appreciate good rock 'n' roll...


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