Friday 27 June 2008

Dead Kennedys - Fresh Fruit For Rotting Vegetables (1980)

Whilst loitering outside the metal realm, Dead Kennedy's remain one of the most influential punk acts ever. Fronted by the warbling poet Jello Biafra, and backed by some bizarre trio who slap out satirical surf groove with a metallic garage fuzz, wrapped up in politics, sarcasm, disease, death and yet freakish classic upon classic of songs. This landmark debut is considered the bands finest work, boasting the ludicrously catchy 'California Uber Alles', the sickly divine 'Holiday In Cambodia' and the mighty fuzz of 'Lets Lynch The Landlord'. Biafra has an acidic quality to his wildly intelligent lyrics, the band breezing through a tight-knit set of tracks which have such a buzz, you can see why so many bands, from thrash acts to 'grunge' bands have cited DK as heroes. 'Fresh Fruit...' exudes fun, sweat and venom, fast-paced yet high on melody, as well as incorporating an air of strangeness which even Mr Bungle would have been proud of. A stirring record that means something today and shows exactly what US punk is all about and the cover of 'Viva Las Vegas' is a blast!


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