Wednesday 4 June 2008

Impaler - Rise Of The Mutants (1985)

Here's proof that not all metal albums appear as they should. I first saw the great cover to this record in the 'Trick Or Treat' movie, and when I finally tracked it down to its musty lair I was severely disappointed by it. Impaler are nothing more than a jokey American act who've dressed the album up in hideous, satanic cover to hide the fact that they can't play, the singer can't sing and the overall sound is an amateurish, punk frenzy with no depth. The album is included here because the cover had such an effect on me but where this fits into metal I don't know. I'm pretty sure that during their existence they were classed as speed metal, but their next opus, 'If We Had Brains...' really committed thy bodies to the ground. As soon as 'Shock Rock' waddles in, you get the feeling here's a band who had no right being given a budget for a record, and what money they did have they obviously spent on the cover...thank goodness this 'album' is only ten minutes in length, appearing as a completely pointless mini-record that may well have fooled a few metal fans back in the day...


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