Wednesday 14 January 2009

Tesla - Forever More (2008)

As soon as the title cut kicks in with it's Enuff Z Nuff styled lazy hook, you know you're in for another Tesla ride, one of refreshing, good time rock that seeks quality over image., but the band excel almost immediately on the lush 'I Wanna Live', the band already pouring out a big chorus which resembles Buckcherry at their finest yet with a smoother edge. There's nothing really raw about Tesla, but there doesn't need to be, this is simply cool, energetic and simple hard rock. Imagine if Mr Big were any good, or Enuff Z Nuff without the sugar, although the Beatles mellotrone bump of 'So What' reeks of Enuff Z Nuff in their prime up to the rolling riffs. 'Forever More' is another of those effortlessly illuminated rock albums, a rare thing certainly in today's scene and often considered more of an accidental thing back in the late '80s and early '90s when bands such as Saigon Kick and Kik Tracee were mere cult acts, but acts who should've rocked the world and every stadium in it. I guess there was always a fine line for some bands between bombastic rock anthems and an overdose of hair metal cheese, but the mid-section of 'Forever More' would never have been recorded by a majority of the hair metal acts. Sure, for a handful of tracks Tesla decided to put away the big guitars and take a seat on the sunshine bathed porch, but the tracks they reel out are simply beautiful, 'Fallin' Apart' is simply gorgeous and builds to a chorus you feel you've heard before, but want more of, and 'All Of Me' is a glam rock stomp that comes unexpected and backed with a heavy groove. You could pick any cut out from the record and find it difficult not to find yourself swept away by the melodies and so, instead of waffling on about the whiskey drool of 'Pvt. Ledbetter' or heavy strut of 'The Game', I suggest you go and buy this, and every other Tesla record and have yourself a good time rockin' party.


1 comment:

Hard Rock Hideout said...

I wouldn't lump them into that whole hair metal thing. They really weren't part of that, although they get lumped into it, as they got their start in the mid 80's. Good review though, and great record!