Friday 10 September 2010

New Idol Sun - Reach (1994)

I can churn this stuff out all day but choose not to as it gives me toothache. New idol Sun, another of those alterno-metal acts with a bad name who leave me bereft of anything to say. Okay, where do we start ? Well, again, after all the grunge hype bands like this found themselves in a bit of a no man's land, but it didn't stop them grinding out this Mindfunk (later years) type of slo-mo metal, with its feet firmly in quicksand. Thankfully the clear vocals enable me to escape from the caramel soundscape which drags the record into some kind of stoned, mild psyche hole, bringing to mind tinges of Soundgarden and that type of gluey, occasional heavily grooved rock. I'm sure this would appeal but after the grunge hangover, I just feel numb. (No cover)


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