Friday 10 September 2010

Testament - Low (1994)

Thrash kings Testament drive into the '90s and beyond and 'Low' is not only one of if not their best record, but it's one of thrash metal's finest moments. In fairness, it would be unfair to call this a thrash record, Testament have matured beyond those years and never they effortlessly create rumbling chasms of dense, layered metal, maybe with a nod to the like of Pantera who pretty much ruled the mid-'90s metal scene. Opener 'Low' is a brooding slab, beefed up by Chuck Billy's immense vocal growl...Billy is now one of metal's finest front men vocal wise, bordering on all kinds of death and doom rantings. Great to see James Murphy on board, a guitar master, 'Low' exists on he and Peterson's chugs which mould themselves into black sounds of doom. 'Legions (In Hiding)', obliterates the thrash void, an earthquake in itself and as those pummelling riffs and heavyweight elephant feet stamp on the head, I can only mock the likes of Metallica for not sticking to their guns and being as respectable and cool as the likes of Testament. I really enjoyed the more recent heavyweight records from the likes of Exodus and Overkill, but hearing 'Low', and realising how old it is, I can only smile with appreciation for such a monstrous record. 'Hail Mary' reminds me of C.O.C. circa 'Blind' the way it grooves, Billy at once smooth yet ominous. 'Dog Faced Gods' features some Eastern sounding guitars before ripping the face off and 'All I Could Bleed' harkens back to the bands glory days.

'Low' destroys everything Metallica and Anthrax made after 1987, so if you call yourself a true metalhead or thrasher, then 'Low' is the album to get. Time to fix those speakers...or what's left of them!


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