Saturday 26 February 2011

Nocturn - Estranged Dimensions (1991)

this is pretty decent death metal that does very little to raise its head beyond originality, but it fits in well with the scene at the time, although it may have been lost to many. This plods like a metal mammoth with its bass heavy production. The cover alone sold it to me but when 'Altered Evolution' jolts into a mid-paced jog I can see where this slab is going. Guttural vocals litter 'Graveyard Without Crosses' (who makes these song titles up ?!) and the riffs vibrate the speakers throughout 'Sacred Infames', Nocturn simply slotting in comfortably alongside the countless US death metal acts at the time. A bit of a cult offering I guess, but it never wrenches itself from demo quality, but that's what makes this type of record worthy, for it exists in some banal void of clanking drums and familiar production. Wrapped in a decent cover - skulls, zombies yay! - Nocturn refuse to exist to move, but instead play their brand of violent music straight down the line. 'Estranged...' doesn't need to exist outside of 1991.


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