Wednesday 16 January 2013

Entrails - The Tomb Awaits (2012)

This appears to br dressed up as an Entombed 'Left Hand Path' rip off if you ask me, although that's not tos ay it's a bad album. As recent releases go this is no Supreme Blood Court, but it certainly gives a big nod to the days of old, particularly the Swedish death metal invasion. From the logo, the title, and cover and the loose, buzzing guitars this is very much a poor man's Entombed. I'm unsure as to how anyone can say this is not paying homage to Entombed, and at times it's a little too close to the mark even with those vocals. Thankfully it doesn't bore me in the sense so many of these new thrash bands have, but it does simply leave me reaching for the first two Entombed records. A good try but surely there was a different path to take? 6/10

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