Monday 6 January 2014

Maninnya Blade - Merchants in Metal (1986)

Somehow brilliant in its murky metal nature and yet so at fault for the fluctuating vocal performance of Leif Erikkson who one moment seems quite comfortable with those caveman growls but then goes all out of tune on us despite the prehistoric guitars and cavernous atmospherics of the likes of 'Bearer of the Ring.' Very much sword and sorcery metal from the far reaches of Sweden this is doom-laden at times, always a jewel in Sweden's crown but a record that cavorts with the silly leathery vibe as Manowar but yet remains so bloody superb in its frenzy. After all, just check out the rampant guitars and wolfen chants of 'Metal Pride' or the metallic beast that is 'Raiders' and one can imagine the black wax of this armour-lated beast sitting nicely on the turntable, but it's so '80s that it's almost impossible to slag off despite its many flaws. Somehow punky ion its flavour, this is still the kind of underground release that helped prop up the cess-pit.

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