Saturday 28 January 2012

Christy McCool - Lovelier Than The Queen Of England (1991)

Another early '90s funk-o-metal act succumb to 'badnameritis' disease! Mind you, Christy McCool aren't as bad as most of the funk metal acts I've heard, these guys at times opting for more diverse approaches and without too much cheese, but again, it's all rather light weight and sugary, but a nice touch with the female vocals which combine nicely with Tom Tree's awkward style. 'Mofo' has a breezy Scatterbrain style funkiness - not sure that's a good thing, but again, vocally there's variation from choppy raps to scratchy rasps, but I'm diggin' the dirty fuzz grunge of 'Neal's Deals...' and the mellow acoustics of pot-induced 'Leaves On Trees', whilst 'Mother Mary' plays out like some psych mantra. All good fun without grating on the nerves.


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