Sunday 27 April 2008

Exciter - Violence And Force (1984)

More of the same from Ottawa's finest thrash rockers, the flame still burns in their hearts, the riffs still carve mighty gashes into the flesh, Beehler's furious wail may have been typical of yesteryear, but you can't deny the high voltage that fizzes from the speakers. Again, it's a record dressed in a wonderfully over the top image, that being a scaly green hand wielding a blade, attempting to break through the door of a helpless maiden. You catch my drift...power metal for the masses, odes to the darkside, 'Scream In The Night', 'Pounding Metal', and 'Delivering To The Master', it's trustworthy metal that made the band standout from the heaving pack. At times blistering, rarely innovative, but sweat inducing all the same.


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