Thursday 28 May 2009

Coroner - Grin (1993)

More brooding brilliance from the trio who seem to have been around for so long, yet somehow, within the thrash scene, and yet without being thrash, have carved a formidable and eerie niche for themselves. This is awe-inspiring technical metal, heavy and diverse. From the tribal intro to the heavy groove of 'The Lethargic Age' which could somehow pass for Faith No More in its unpredictability. But this is Coroner, and Coroner play their own style of metal, plagued by the sinister whispers of Ron Royce, shattered by the leadweight riffage of Baron and thunder drum of Marquis. A fascinating listen, don't be put off by the length of the tracks, these cuts are worlds of their own, full of odd atmosphere and complexity. 'Caveat (To The Coming)' reminds me of Atheist but there are some huge grooves on here which even bring Mordred to mind. Noise Records certainly had an impressive roster to boast and Coroner are a band to be admired for constantly shifting gears. The riffs of 'Status: Still Thinking' and 'Theme For Silence' will please any headbanger stuck in the '80s when Coroner were lumped in with the likes of Kreator, but if anything, Coroner have progressed in similar vein to Voivod and Celtic Frost. Expanding within their own style which always remains original. Thinking man's metal indeed...


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