Wednesday 27 May 2009

White Fear Chain - Visceral Life (1996)

Any body out there remember the brilliant Last Crack ? Very much part of that pre-grunge wave of alterno metal bands who were simply too cool to be successful. Well, White Fear Chain are fronted by the extraordinary Buddo on vocals, who lead Last Crack into unimaginable realms. So, are White Fear Chain just a clone ? Well, as the title cut bubbles in from the shadows, one would think that maybe this is another attempt at recreation. The music is awkward, jerky, at times funky but without menace, but it's very much Last Crack all over again. However, once the brooding 'Daily Into Darkness' kicks in with its lead weight chug and serpentine writhe, it's clear that despite all the similarities, White Fear Chain have their own identity, but are not that different from Last Crack but this is a great thing. 'Daily...' is a very dark trip, Buddo not quite as strange in his preachings and teachings, and the music does have more of a groove, particularly almost three minutes in. It's then back to the Last Crack weirdities of 'Roaches In The Lamplight Screaming' but don't let the difficult title put you off, this has a catchy chorus to die for as Buddo yells, "Alive!!", and it's then that you recall Last Crack's absurd ability to carve very memorable tracks out of peculiar arrangements, and eerie meanderings.

Check out the swirling 'Shotgun Mouth', reminding me heavily of I Love You and taking me back to those late '80s and early '90s when this kind of music emerged from nowhere, bedazzled me, and yet faded into metal folklore. 'Peppermint Twist' soothes, but abruptly thrashes and quakes, and the final rock-out, being 'Headstone' provides another heady trip into mystical metal stratosphere's, and there's that jangle and angst which Last Crack made their own.

It's a thrill to know that Buddo continued in the music biz. It's a tragedy of course that despite rave reviews these kind of bands fluttered into nothing. White Fear Chain have made no head way at all, but it's a record that once again proves that there is huge talent out there but never fully recognised.

Long live Buddo.


1 comment:

The Thing That Should Not Be said...

Hey, kudos on the blog in general and the praise of Last Crack in particular. I was completely unaware of this record until a day or two ago and I cannot find it ANYWHERE, to buy OR download. Is there any chance you could upload it? I really want a copy and have had no luck elsewhere.