Wednesday 28 December 2011

Creepmime - Shadows (1993)

There's something hypnotic about this complicated, down-tuned deathly cavern that calls itself Creepmime. Slots nicely alongside the intricate death metal brigade, a la Despair etc. It's all very bleak at times, doomy in fact as the abrasive guitars graze the face like a Brillo pad, and those hoarse, throaty vocals add extra chills, but deeper within the cess pit I'm hearing addictive echoes, in the same way I became so endeared to Darkthrone's 'Soulside Journey' with its windswept and barbed wire grooves. All slightly monotone and with hints of the cosmic, 'Shadows' is in fact a clever record that exists only as a half-hinted, almost extinct force that long ago slithered from under some rock and then vanished without a trace. All it left in its wake was a rusty residue. There's nothing spectacular about it but there's an awkward feel with those jarring guitars and frozen drums. Creepmime grate the soul then scuttle back into their creepy mine!


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