Friday 23 December 2011

XYZ - XYZ (1989)

A slightly flaccid offering from a heavily influenced Dokken act who have the rather unfortunate name of XYZ - leaving them not only way down in the alphabet but also low down in the bargain bins probably. Well no, it's not all bad but this record lacks any sort of bite, drifting as an almost standard fare into the realms of mediocrity never to be heard again. Okay so the tracks often appear on You Tube but in today's age everything is on You Tube isn't it ? I think it's worth checking out any metal from the '80s even if this one passes by without effect - I'm hearing a hint of Scorpions in there too alongside the pomp of 'Maggy' and various other faceless cuts. All abit to simple - in fact as simple as A,B,C!


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