Wednesday 28 December 2011

Steeler - Undercover Animals 91988)

For some stupid reason, one of my fave metal album covers ever - introduced to this platter via the pages of Metal hammer magazine. Steeler have been around for years, originally starting off as a relatively hot band which of course became watered down as the years rolled by. The late '80s seemed to treat most metal bands with the same paint brush, 'Deeper In The Night' typically sultry, Steeler suddenly becoming the archetype '80s metal band, denim, leather, and video's showing the band being whipped up by smokin' winds and neon lights. 'Knock Me Out' and 'Bad To The Bone' rarely live up to their titles, almost every track on offer a mid-paced, middle of the road power metal anthem lacking any real depth of velocity, but even so, 'Undercover Animal' had me under its spell, and once I was drawn in by the cover I was naive enough to fall for the pleasant metal-by-numbers facade that awaited me around the not so dark corners.


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