Friday 23 November 2012

Adrian - One Step Into The Uncertain (1987)

This is as about as obscure as it gets. Melodic German metal boasting some of the worst cover art ever known to man, and the vocalist (Oliver Wende) isn't too good either. This rattles by at an average, yet non-threatening speed, amateurish in everything it does despite some lukewarm guitar riffs, especially on 'The White Death' which is about as thrashy as it gets The vocals are a miserable teenage style warble, but somehow the solo's keep the head of the album above water, so it's not exactly a sinking ship and let's face it, any metalhead would have been proud to own such a little known album. Eight tracks, all rather inadequately produced, he best of these being 'Dreamer' which begins like some smooching, slow-paced '70s prog track and never really alters its shape. I think the band are probably more accomplished than I'm giving them credit for, but the whole record reeks of low budget but it's all rather weak to be described as power metal. You work it out! 5.5/10

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