Friday 2 November 2012

Mystik - The Plot Sickens (1992)

Fantastic name for a record, Mystic have often been hailed as one of the best power-thrash bands you've never heard, and those reviewers could be correct in such a statement. This is crystal clear metal that doesn't rely in gimmicks to get its message across, this is pretty much no thrills but well orchestrated metal, played for keeps. Good, clear, honest vocals and also melodic passages which compliment the heavy riffage in the eame early Metallica made their mark. That's not to say Mystik sound like Metallica, tracks such as 'Psychosis' and 'Death To All...' boast impressive chugging guitars and heavy drums, the only minor quibble at times is the vocal delivery which can be a little too ordinary, but even so, 'The Plot...' is a solid, weighty record that deserves your attention. 6.5/10

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