Sunday 4 November 2012

Mania - Wizard Of The Lost Kingdom (1988)

The Gothic intro of the bizarrely titled 'Mufty's Arrival' gives way into a fantastic Helloween-style slab of German thrash/power metal. Don't be put off by the amateurish cover art, Mania were a fine, tooth-wrenching band who specialised in white hot metal often played at speed metal pace, consisting of staggering solo's and fairly epic sounding clear warrior vocals. This has a typical Euro metal feel with those Gothic oevrtones, particularly on the charging title track, where Klauke's vocals reach earth shattering proportions as the guitars rattle away behind him. 'God's Of Fire' is certainly the most Helloween in its structure, but the band take on better shape when they slow things down to a more ominous chug, but of course, they can't refain from those techno gallops time and time again, but personal fave 'Night Of The Blade' has some killer guitar work and crashing drum attack from Heubel, the track chugs along menacingly as an epic power metal chant, great stuff. Mania are a rare exception for me, because so many Euro bands of this ilk leave me rather cold, but 'Wizard Of The Lost Kingdom' drags me into to its icy waters every time, although I'd suggest their more epic sounding 'Changing Times,' but it's all good stuff. 7/10

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