Tuesday 18 September 2012

Style Monkeez - Schmelt Fry In Antigo (1992)

Almost predictable funk metal that I do not recall whatsoever during the Faith No More/Primus/Mordred rip-off infested waters of alterno metal. The Style Monkeez - dreadful name as expected - aren't as horrifying as one would expect, despite being lyrically inept with choppy vocals and a more beefed up sound rather than the usual weak as gnat's piss bass drivel. 'Hey Little Girl' has a Suicidal Tendencies feel with its aggression and there's a thrashy riff to 'Rage' and 'Martin' a touch of doom laden quality. Style Monkeez pack a harder punch than most funk acts and aren't afraid to lay on a little grunge too, but there's still that multi-coloured irritation which gave me a rash back in the early '90s, but despite its godawful title, it stands on slightly stronger legs than the irritating Ignorance, Scat Opera and the likes. 5/10

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