Monday 22 October 2012

Bonfire - Strike Ten (2001)

Germany's Bonfire have always been an incredibly consistent band, 'Strike Ten' being their eighth opus, and one that once again boasts so many astounding tracks. Forget hair metal cheesiness, their ballad 'I Need You' has to be one of the most beautiful tracks ever written, an acoustic tear jerker if ever there was one. Bonfire have so much soul, and yet power too, just check out the killer chug of 'Damn You,' truly immense, and then there's the swagger of 'Any Time You Cry,' and scarf waving anthem 'Southern Winds.' Very accomplished musically and great that bands of this ilk saw out the dreadful mid '90s, and greater still that they, even through age, have maintained a high standard of metal. 7/10

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