Friday 26 October 2012

Sorrow - Forgotten Sunrise (1991)

Here's a formidable record that slots itself nicely between late '80s death metal and early '90s doom. This is a crushing record that has the weight of the world on its shoulders and guttural growl that enables it to writhe from its many lair like some long forgotten serpent. Doom metal comes in many guises, a majority of bands too reliant on pot-smoking imagery, but Sorrow simply exist as an ashen monster, a mournful yet leadweight bone pummeller that rarely rises beyond a slug-like crawl, and yet to great effect. On tracks such as 'A Wasted Cry For Hope' these Americans effortlessly shift from lumbering doom to raging Floridian style death metal. 'Awaiting The Savior' ups the tempo, providing a big, buzzing wall of guitars whilst 'Eternally Forgotten' is classic death metal, made all the monstrous by the almost audible gurgles. This is a decent EP that doesn't need to resort to hyper drums and blurs to alienate the listener, instead it offers up a sound that bands sucha s Grave have mastered over the eyars with those drawn out riffs and grey, harsh vocals. Good stuff. 7/10

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