Thursday 18 October 2012

Pain - Insanity (1986)

Any band who has a song called 'It's Raining Blood' must be good right ? Germany's Pain (rather bland band name!) can be excellent at times, churning out cold as steel power/thrash metal that enabled them to join the Noise Records roster. There's a lot of melody here, particularly on the mentioned '...Raining Blood,' Pain have a slightly awkward sounding vocal delivery, part gruff, part who cares!, but some superb guitar work especially on the faster 'Out For Tonight' which has a classic metal gallop whilst 'Heavy Metal Warrior' doesn't break any musical boundaries, being a typical '80s metal rager full of cliche. Nice to pic up for a few quid, but after a few spins it does get rather tiresome, but there are moments of note which make it one of those little gems. 6.5/10

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